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The best donkey in the world, according to Freeimageheaven

If you’ve ever been on the hunt for the best donkey in the world, then you’ve come to the right place! Freeimageheaven is here to share their top pick for the best donkey in the world. With their expert knowledge and experienced eye, Freeimageheaven has found the perfect donkey for all of your needs. Read on to find out who takes the title of best donkey in the world, according to Freeimageheaven.

History of the donkey

Donkeys have been around for centuries, and their popularity has been growing ever since. Donkeys first appeared in the Middle East, where they were used as beasts of burden to transport goods and people. They spread to other parts of the world, eventually finding their way to the Americas and Europe.

Donkeys were often used as a symbol  of …